
Rinat Kaleev

Moscow, Russia
42 years old
activity: +807.00
creativity: +245.00
reputation: +245.00
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Activity rating depends on the quantity of photos, audio and video files, blog posts, ads, events, reviews and comments you publish.

Creativity/professionalism is a sum of estimates given to your audio and video compositions.

Reputation depends on how your ads, blog posts, events and comments are accepted by the other members of musical community
View count: 48254
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Current purpose

Offering performer show (electric guitar)


french horn, classical guitar, electric guitar

Musical genres

blues, jazz, classical music, rock



Deputy Principal 2nd Violin to the Noord Nederlands Orkest
Noord Nederlands Orkest
seeks applicants for the following position:
Deputy Principal 2nd Violin (75%)
Audition date December 9th, 2009
Application closing date: October 15th, 2009. All duties to ...

Principal Viola to the Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra
Principal Viola (75%)
Audition: Friday 16 April 2010 (first round and second round)
Beginning of the employment: as soon as possible
The deadline for application is 5 March 2010
Soon to be ...


MusicHunt: create music together online!

I'm sure you'll agree that Internet is an amazing thing for musicians: we can communicate without any limits and promote our music. But what'd you say about making music online together? I'm not



23 mar   Comments 3
Вечером иду в Боби Дезлер на встречу с друзьями. Один приехал из Тайланда, где отдыхал 3 недели. Будет делиться впечатлениями под Пив&Ко :)
12:00 - 14:00, 22 feb   Comments
Иду на концерт в музей Танеева. В программе: Мийо, Дебюсси, Регер. Альт + фортепиано. Местами сольно.


Mike .
14 mar 2009, 18:16
Russia, Moscow

Хороший голос )


Mike .
Russia, Moscow
classical guitar
Alek Veritov
Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Ksenia Rodionova
Russia, Moscow
Александр Дунаев
Russia, Moscow
sound director, performer
acoustic guitar, piano, electric guitar
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