
Морозов Дмитрий

performer, composer
Moscow, Russia
40 years old
activity: +3.00
creativity: 0.00
reputation: 0.00
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The more rating you gain the higher position in search results your profile gets. And for the best profiles we provide additional PR on MusicHunt.

Activity rating depends on the quantity of photos, audio and video files, blog posts, ads, events, reviews and comments you publish.

Creativity/professionalism is a sum of estimates given to your audio and video compositions.

Reputation depends on how your ads, blog posts, events and comments are accepted by the other members of musical community
View count: 5326
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Current purpose

Offering composer service (acoustic guitar, bass guitar, classical guitar, xylophone, DJ's equipment, synthesizer, noise sounds, electric guitar)


acoustic guitar, bass guitar, classical guitar, DJ's equipment, synthesizer, noise sounds, electric guitar

Musical genres

jazz, reggae, rock'n'roll, techno, trance, electro music


Напишу музыкальное сопровождение для фильмов/рекламных роликов/компьютерных игр. Не ограничиваю себя стилевыми рамками. Однако в последнее время отдаю большее предпочтение жанру "dark embient". Разнообразные образцы творчества можно найти по адресу: http://www.myspace.com/wolfframe а также: http://www.thesixtyone.com/user/account/#/Wolfframe/ К профайлу приложил пару работ, которые были написаны месяц-другой назад.




Tibbets Breakout

added: 12 dec 2009, 15:59
You must install Adobe Flash Player.
Download Flash Player
comment 0.00

Lost Subway Wind

added: 12 dec 2009, 15:57
You must install Adobe Flash Player.
Download Flash Player
comment 0.00


Rain Drops
Russia, Moscow
performer, manager, tutor
french horn, vocal, piano
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