
Ярослав Бельченко

Oryel, Russia
25 years old
activity: +2.00
creativity: 0.00
reputation: 0.00
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The rating system gives you an opportunity to become more noticeable so you'll be able to get more favorable offers and also improve your status among musical professionals within MusicHunt website.

The more rating you gain the higher position in search results your profile gets. And for the best profiles we provide additional PR on MusicHunt.

Activity rating depends on the quantity of photos, audio and video files, blog posts, ads, events, reviews and comments you publish.

Creativity/professionalism is a sum of estimates given to your audio and video compositions.

Reputation depends on how your ads, blog posts, events and comments are accepted by the other members of musical community
View count: 6466
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Current purpose

Looking for producer (vocal)
Нужен продюсер для продвижения треков и песен.


vocal, DJ's equipment, synthesizer

Musical genres

rap, electro music


На данный момент занимаюсь написанием клубной музыки. Также пишу и читаю рэп. Псевдонимы: Yarik AsheR, DJ Dr@fT. Есть один альбом - Club Life(клубные треки), в разработке находятся еще 2 альбому: 1 рэп-альбом и 1 альбом на творческую и клубную тему. Работаю день и ночь, осваиваю музыку от и до. Мой курс направлен только вперед!


Написание текстов 300р за 1шт.
Запись feat. со мной300р
Написание бита 500р


Yarik AsheR - Игромания

added: 10 nov 2014, 00:22
You must install Adobe Flash Player.
Download Flash Player
comment 0.00

Yarik AsheR - Рэп культура

added: 10 nov 2014, 00:21
You must install Adobe Flash Player.
Download Flash Player
comment 0.00


DJ Dr@fT - Dubstep project

added: 10 nov 2014, 00:39
comment 0.00
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