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MusicHunt: create music together online!

I'm sure you'll agree that Internet is an amazing thing for musicians: we can communicate without any limits and promote our music. But what'd you say about making music online together? I'm not kidding! It'll be even more amazing, i guess, if we could create music with our friends no matter how far they are from us or find new ones making songs and melodies together. So we on MusicHunt offer you to try that. We call this special place a Workshop.

I think you all know Wikipedia — a website where people share their knowledge about different things. They work on each article together. Anyone can join so it's fun and effective. In Workshop we use the same idea. Someone posts his music or lyrics with description of how he sees the result and what help he really needs. Other musicians publish their variants and comments. That's all. Pretty simple.

Think about the advantages. You can realize anything you want and try yourself as a composer, arranger or performer in any musical style without leaving home. Everything you need is to be online! But there's no need to talk much — test it by yourself, join the world of free creativity now!

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Rinat Kaleev
02 apr 2010
Russia, Moscow

Our interviews: Gennadiy Sled

Today we have an interview with Gennadiy Sled: a composer from Bratsk, Russia, the author of more than 300 songs in many different styles. You can listen to his compositions here: http://www.musichunt.pro/en/user/audio.htm?id=811

Gennadiy, Hi! Tell us, please, about yourself? How happened you chose music as your profession?
Good evening! It happened suddenly, I didn't even think about it. I don't know why but on my birthday my parents presented me a guitar (it wasn't often at that time, and guitars were not sold in such quantities as they are now). That was on 9th of August, 1980. It happened so that I managed it in a week after two weeks I became a member of a school ensemble and after 2 months my friends and I gave our first school concert.

And what was your first professional ensemble?
From 1989 till 1991 I gathered a strong band called "Red Book".

When did you begin to compose music yourself? And what was your first impression about the process?
I had been writing lyrics already since 4th grade in school, and began to compose music in 1980, right when learned to play guitar. My first impression — maybe, I was glad that all was turning out so well and I liked it.

Can you mark out composers, musicians who had the most influence upon your creative work?
There were a lot Russian and foreign artists — it's unpossible to name them all. From foreign: Eric Clapton, Elton John, Joe Cocker, Pink Floyd, Eagles... From russian: Voskresenie, Mashina vremeni, Arsenal, Cruise, Stas Namin and etc.

Yes, it feels that your compositions experienced their influence. Say, from your point of view: what's more in composing of music — inspiration or maybe work? Such question has appeared recently in Blogs :)
About work — I've never really thought about it, it comes to me with ease... The moment and all is done... And I always have an inspiration: I see something and here it is, remember something and here it is again. But after the song is born it's necessary to work, and it's natural, I think.

Besides, about inspiration. Somebody is inspired by nature, somebody by people, somebody by ideas, somebody by spiritual development. What gives an inspiration to you?
All I see, all I feel — reality.

How do you think: is discipline absolutely necessary for creative person or he must break all the routine? What is your lifestyle? And what qualities does every good composer need in your opinion?
Composer must be undoubtedly honest. It's a need and will be presented everywhere, especially in his songs, because composer brings his compositions to people. Discipline must be too within reasonable limits. It's a must to keep reasonable limits in everything.

My lifestyle — not to waste my time, but with good and kindness. I try to use all the time effectively. Do not exclude rest: it is also necessary, but also within reasonable limits.

I think, that many musicians know the problem when in the head suddenly appears a short melody, a beautiful element, but they don't know what to do with it: how to make a full composition from a short episode? Have you ever faced the problem of "How to start"? And what you can recommend to solve it?
I can't remember such moment: if some idea comes to me it unfolds — I can hear it almost accomplished. So I can't recommend anything, there's no problem for me.

I see. Can you tell us a little about your current creative activity?
Now I've at last got down to my solo albums, I write three at the same time, different in style and sound. First one is in blues-rock style. Second — I can't mark out some definite style, because there will be several joined in it, but the most important thing is lyrics and I count upon vocal. Third one I write specially for female vocal, because some songs are about female point of view on life.

Did you write only for bands before?
From the beginning of my creative work I wrote both for bands and for myself. Since 1980 in our bands we'd performed my songs, and approximately until 1986 only my songs'd sounded on the concerts.

Were you a vocalist during performances?
I performed as a vocalist during concerts of my bands but there were concerts when more than 20 people performed my compositions...

Oh my, quite a lot!
Yes, sometimes there were 4-5 performers in one program

How many songs have you written? Roughly?
I didnt't count, a lot... About 300-350. But I don't think about it, simply write.

And how do you manage to promote your compositions? What are the most efficient ways: is Internet a good way? Or more by private contacts with old clients?
There weren't such abilities for making records in past. I haven't really promoted my works yet and I don't rush to the scene by myself. Never used personal contacts. I guess Internet must help but I haven't noticed yet. I think there's no need to speak about people I worked with. I prefer to remain "shadow" composer.

Why? Some're even ready to steal to become famous. Do you feel comfortable to give your songs, when nobody even knows you wrote them?
There's no secret about compositions I make for my own performance. But you know, that composers often sell their songs. I prefer to keep in secret whom do I sell mine and that's why I don't show serious compositions.

I'm a man of honor: if I sell nobody will know about it. From me at least. And those ones I won't ever sell will be performed by me or by people who deserve that.

Yes, I understand that. But do you count more on composing for yourself or on selling music to others in future?
For myself, of course. Selling songs is to survive. In general I write them for people, I don't want to do anything only for myself. I write the truth, and the truth must be heard. Maybe my songs will help others to work something out.

Yes, when you do something for other people it brings you energy. Unlike when you do only for yourself. Well, thank you for the interview! I wish you every success in your work! And for your music to be heard and loved by as many people as possible.
Thanks! I enjoyed the conversation too!

Rinat Kaleev
16 mar 2010
Russia, Moscow


Hello, glad to see you!

Here we're going to tell you a little about the website you've come to. So Musichunt is an international professional network of musicians and musical organizations.The main purpose of our MH is to help musicians from all over the world to find jobs, colleges and ensembles, educational programs, musical professional events such as competitions, masterclasses, festivals, exhibitions, conferences and etc., promote themselves, share their experience and gain it from others.

Musichunt is open for musicians of any styles: from classical music to national or contemporary. Among our registered users there’re performers, composers, teachers, arrangers, conductors, sound producers, musical managers. There’re also registered companies which are interested in musicians or in offering special services to them, e.g. employers, musical equipment shops, educational institutions, recording studios, producing centers and so on. Musichunt is absolutely open for anyone who can't imagine a world without an incredible thing — music and offers them services specially designed to break all the barriers to free communication and creative work.

The main feature of the project is a unique multilingual interface which is very flexible and is made to organize interaction among users in the most efficient way. You can easily find jobs, blogs, events in any city, country and on any language you like. There's no need to register several times or switch languages — just define the list of languages in your Profile and all the information you need will be filtered and shown to you automatically. We also have many unified and system-translated services that'll allow you to know about requests and offers of musicians and companies from other countries and let them know about yours even if you speak different languages. Take benefit from your new profile, publish advertisements, blog posts, musical events, communicate with others using comments and convenient private messages system. Feel free and don't forget to let us know about any difficulties or ideas on Musichunt development. Good luck!

Rinat Kaleev
16 sep 2009
Russia, Moscow